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The Gateway logo: the St. Louis skyline with a chess king in place of the capitol building with the words Gateway Chess Leagu

For nearly 50 years, the Gateway Chess League has helped tens of thousands of young players pursue their love of chess by offering them the opportunity to compete in USCF-rated matches to help them build their skills, ratings, and their love of chess. We are a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization supported partially by donations from giving people like you.


Please consider us in your yearly giving and help spread the love of chess in the St. Louis area and beyond:

Learning how to Play Chess
Learning how to Play Chess


Our mission is to provide a fun and welcoming environment for young people to play chess, and to organize and host high-quality scholastic chess tournaments throughout the St. Louis region. We believe that chess can have a transformative impact on young people, teaching valuable life skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and sportsmanship. We are committed to promoting the game of chess as a powerful tool for personal growth and community building, and to fostering a supportive and inclusive community of chess players of all skill levels and backgrounds.


Our vision is to inspire a lifelong love for the game of chess in young people throughout the St. Louis area, and to create a vibrant community of scholastic chess players who are passionate about the game and committed to fair play and conduct.

Chess Game
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